Sleeping in Slow Motion

Has this happened to you? You go to bed, maybe earlier than usual, then sleep for hours and hours and hours. You dream three, maybe four movies. You toss and turn more than a huge cement mixer truck. Finally, you wander down to the bathroom to check in the mirror to see how bright your teeth are, and wander back to bed. Before you dive in one more time, you glance at the alarm clock and expect to see it read 5:30, maybe 6 a.m. Instead, it says only 1:30. What the heck? Something should be done about that.

©2012 Jim Hagarty

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Author: Jim Hagarty

I am a retired newspaper reporter and editor, freelance journalist, author, and college journalism professor. I am married, have a son and a daughter, and live in a small city near Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I have been blogging at since 2016 and began this new site in 2019. I love music, humour, history, dogs, cats and long drives down back roads.