Off on the Wrong Foot

I had a great day today, the 62nd anniversary of my birthday. I am a lucky, lucky man.

But every birthday I have now gets compared somewhat to two doozies I experienced earlier in my life.

My family and friends threw me a surprise party on my 40th and another one when I turned 50. They were great events and I appreciated them very much.

But the second one was a little bit of a heart stopper and one aspect of it still haunts me from to time.

My wife and kids and I had just returned from church, a little too early as it turned out, and noticed no unusual activity around the house. But as my son and I walked up the steps to the front door, I noticed it wasn’t completely closed and I had a strong feeling that someone was in the house. I sent my son back to the car, then carefully opened the door.

All was quiet but then I saw a foot partially protruding from a doorway. My heart speeded up and I yelled, “Who’s in here?”

Realizing they’d been caught, everyone jumped out to yell “Surprise!” It took a few minutes for me to calm down and we had a heck of a good party.

But 12 years later, I sometimes still see that foot when I come into the empty house.

I don’t know what I would do if the foot ever turned out to belong to a home invader. A home six doors up the street from ours was broken into two weeks ago.

No thanks.

©2013 Jim Hagarty

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Author: Jim Hagarty

I am a retired newspaper reporter and editor, freelance journalist, author, and college journalism professor. I am married, have a son and a daughter, and live in a small city near Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I have been blogging at since 2016 and began this new site in 2019. I love music, humour, history, dogs, cats and long drives down back roads.