This morning’s headline: Yogurt-eating mice found to have larger testicles.
A few questions: Who left the yogurt out and then who first noticed a mouse run by and commented, “Look at the set on that guy. Holy mackerel!”
To liven up the story, these are elderly mice. So these old guys are chowing down on yogurt and literally, growing a pair.
Which begs one more query: When you see a mouse, can you tell its age immediately? Does an old one have grey hair, bald patches and a belly? Does it have trouble hearing the cat sneak up on it?
This is all too much for me except for the uncomfortable feeling that my taxes are paying somebody to figure all this out. Somebody who spends his days running along behind old yogurt-eating mice to see how much their balls are growing.
Oh well, back to my yogurt.
©2014 Jim Hagarty